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Shiny Tier: 6

Shiny Points: 2

View on PokeMMO Zone

Total OT Shinies: 44

Total OT Shinies of Exact Species: 23


Characters with OT Shiny:

Gamer2020 Lengedd Hjortsson Subversine Mistaike HuffPuff Fillara zawmbae kxwn DartPK Joeyott CommanderMars DannyWithSixYs DaddyMolo DonaldDankest Metthew SUSukae ChihuahuanRaven BulkyBell sophiaXCX SirDusty GeneralGrim MlTCH DragonRS ImposterBunda amplifikuje chickenpasta Heytros Emeralddrifter Shalphas YungJojito WolfxBlood DoubleDude Jloo Fringoat