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Shiny Tier: 6

Shiny Points: 2

View on PokeMMO Zone

Total OT Shinies: 50

Total OT Shinies of Exact Species: 30


Characters with OT Shiny:

ilyKnew BigBoyFramed Hjortsson FlawkenOS Summrs [Mr] JetxLore Krishnasenpai zawmbae VIIIZ [Räd] KalyM FLYHAPPY JohnnGR HazyThatGuy [Räd] Dqri SuzPeX goodguyRuza cashcnnr MoVeThaT StormsEdge xWraith Kermitoo clooh Gibmister cuuco envoyz ShiestyYSL GeneralGrim eColaa IcyQQ Iugia MlTCH ImposterBunda Choptamas Neonxo loopysnoopy IAmJonah Apocalyptc Piert spdrnrd MissSamus FelisC ElTryhard RSHubz Gerzor