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Shiny Tier: 6

Shiny Points: 2

View on PokeMMO Zone

Total OT Shinies: 65

Total OT Shinies of Exact Species: 26


Characters with OT Shiny:

Gamer2020 Mistaike ilyKnew OhKaibaBoy StokedEagle WalterBalderII Gobu AsmoJor Krishnasenpai maannyd zawmbae VIIIZ Psychopathh [Räd] KalyM Nanikaaa FLYHAPPY NanaTuisum ZookuHero eboja TheRealBrobie DartPK QueenMaisie Smokycat [Räd] richmade MMODuck Nesserboo ChihuahuanRaven MoVeThaT Joesuz Worvik Gibmister Bonefishh clooh StormsEdge KingIlyas ShiestyYSL cuuco chippyeater XxMohammedxX DaMemeGod TrainerMurn eColaa Iugia MlTCH NathanFeeedz CrescentUwU Karowo Choptamas GeneralGrim ImposterBunda Mugiwaraf Neonxo Shalphas Gim28 YungJojito TKatana IAmJonah Apocalyptc killerfilz Mostaman Piert ShaqOT MissSamus FelisC RSHubz