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Shiny Tier: 6

Shiny Points: 2

View on PokeMMO Zone

Total OT Shinies: 132

Total OT Shinies of Exact Species: 42


Characters with OT Shiny:

Gamer2020 ABnueve wacky Mistaike Hjortsson HuffPuff AsmoJor BitterJin Summrs clooh DanteHaversham Krishnasenpai vLynthia zawmbae VIIIZ unhealthyish Psychopathh pauke [Räd] KalyM QueenMaisie FLYHAPPY realcanuck JohnnGR NanaTuisum tomkilljerry Joeyott Barrelz CommanderMars Smokycat SuzPeX papapendry MMODuck Metthew Kirakills NoStrategy ChihuahuanRaven Binglebop Dawnerys GenericJesus MoVeThaT cashcnnr Kermitoo Bonefishh Joesuz Gibmister itsbussinbruh Worvik envoyz ShiestyYSL XxMohammedxX TrainerMurn Iugia IcyQQ CrescentUwU MlTCH GeneralGrim ImposterBunda SaeeDPP Choptamas Karowo chickenpasta Heytros XDRichxXD Neonxo Shalphas loopysnoopy IAmJonah Apocalyptc Zarkoranth Nenbot ShaqOT Mostaman DoubleDude spdrnrd MissSamus MouseofDark FelisC NurseJoyyy Jloo