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Shiny Tier: 5

Shiny Points: 3

View on PokeMMO Zone

Total OT Shinies: 35

Total OT Shinies of Exact Species: 8


Characters with OT Shiny:

Gamer2020 Mistaike ilyKnew jerizzle Lefty Hjortsson AsmoJor Immortallity Psychopathh kxwn XanarchyNL JohnnGR papapendry Kirakills Dawnerys BulkyBell Pdash Joesuz Worvik itsbussinbruh Gibmister MlTCH DragonRS GeneralGrim Obludaa Neonxo Gim28 papaGRO Rappoki ShaqOT MissSamus FelisC RSHubz MearKatt Gerzor