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Shiny Tier: 6

Shiny Points: 2

View on PokeMMO Zone

Total OT Shinies: 38

Total OT Shinies of Exact Species: 14


Characters with OT Shiny:

ilyKnew BigBoyFramed Hjortsson FlawkenOS Summrs [Mr] JetxLore Krishnasenpai zawmbae VIIIZ [Räd] KalyM FLYHAPPY JohnnGR HazyThatGuy [Räd] Dqri SuzPeX goodguyRuza cashcnnr MoVeThaT StormsEdge [KRKN] xWraith Kermitoo clooh Gibmister cuuco envoyz ShiestyYSL GeneralGrim eColaa IcyQQ Iugia MlTCH ImposterBunda Choptamas